- 2009: 1-week excavation: Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland, United Kingdom.
- 2007: 2 weeks excavation: Maan, Jordan “ Archaeology of the First World War.
- 2006: 2 weeks excavation: Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland, United Kingdom.
- 2005: 1-week excavation: Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland, United Kingdom.
- 2004: 2 weeks excavation: Roman Villa at Alba Julia, Romania with Dr. Ian Haynes.
- 2003: 2 weeks excavation: Apulum project, Alba Julia, Romania with Dr. Ian Haynes.
Archaeological Excavation Experience
Archaeological CV Posted on Sun, September 06, 2009 21:35:38- Comments(2) https://blog.simonepaturel.me/?p=9
Conference Papers
Publications Posted on Sun, September 06, 2009 17:49:14
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2016, University of Colorado, Boulder
Presenting a paper: ” Re-thinking three: A cautionary tale of the Heliopolitan the triad and the Colonia Julia Augusta Felix Berytus”
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2015, New York University
Presenting a paper: “Ritual, memory and movement at Baalbek-Heliopolis”
Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World 2014,
Petnica Science Center, Serbia
Presenting a paper: “The Roman Bekaa: A Sacred Landscape of Imperialism?”
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2013, University of Chicago
Organising a session: “Writing to be seen: epigraphy and graffiti as a visual form.”
Presenting a paper: “Deconstructing the Source Book: Visual and Non-Visual Responses to Greek and Latin Inscriptions from the Bekaa Valley”
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2013, Kings College London
Presenting a paper: “Cosmopolitan Heliopolitans?: a case study in social identity at the ancient city of Heliopolis”
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2012, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Presenting a paper: “Ontology, Perception, and Language: Seeing the World through Bedouin Eyes”
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2011, University of California, Berkeley
- Organised a session: Landscape Archaeology through Modern Eyes
- Presenting a paper: “Roman Baalbek & the Bekaa Valley: a Landscape of Conversion?”
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2010, Brown University, Rhode Island
Presented a paper: “Locating the Sacred in Roman Syria: Roman Temples and the Constructed and Natural Landscape.”
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2009, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
- Organised a session: Spatiality and Conflict: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Space in conflict zones
- Presented a paper: Spatiality, Memory, and Conflict in Beirut: Living the Civil War and After
Theoretical Archaeology Group USA 2008, Columbia University, New York, New York
- Presented a paper: Perceiving Landscape through Eastern Eyes
Critical Roman Archaeology Conference, 2008, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
- Presented a paper: A Landscape within a Landscape: Reconstructing Arabia in the Sacred Landscape of Baalbek
6th International Congress on Cyprus Studies, 2007, Famagusta, Cyprus
- Presented a paper: “Reconstructing the History of the Cypriot Maronites.”
- Comments(0) https://blog.simonepaturel.me/?p=10