Dear Simone,

I want to thank you again for sending me your lovely doctorate. I’m greatly enjoying reading through it. The whole approach to archaeology as a cultural phenomenon seen from the reception end is a very new way of looking at the whole thing. I do hope we can have a chat about it sometime!

What are your plans? Are you working in the academic field? Why don’t you apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a post-doc? You will almost certainly be accepted!

All the best,


[Professor Alexander Borg, Ben Gurion University of the Negev]

Dear Simone,

After many delays over recent months, I have finally found the time to read your manuscript. You have produced a very good piece of research on a subject that is a worthwhile as it is challenging, since in many respects we lack both primary sources and modern scholarship. I find many of your argument convincing, as they were based on your familiarity and good understanding of the sources, and you do well to challenge received opinions in many places.

Dr Andreas J.M Kropp

Assistant Professor in Classical Art

Department of Classics

The University of Nottingham