University of Newcastle 2007-2014
PhD Archaeology
Thesis: Landscapes of Conversion: Baalbeck-Heliopolis from 100BC to AD 400
University of London 2006-2007
MA History of Ideas
Dissertation: How Does labelling a person, group or state as terrorist constitute a technique of domination” (Edward Said)?
- “To What Extent Does The Liberation Theology Of Gustavo Gutierrez Represent a˜Successful Intellectual Synthesis Of Christianity And Marxism?”
- “To what extent did Cicero’s political theory, as described in his De Republica, rely on earlier models?”
- “To what extent are Islam and Democracy compatible? A comparative study between Saudi Arabia and Turkey”
- ‘Professional historians have been generally wary of attempts to deploy psychoanalysis in explaining the history of fascism. Explain why has this been so and assess how convincingly the case has been made for and against a psychoanalytic dimension of historical explanation.”
- “Moliere’s the Bourgeois Gentleman: Revealing political views of the gentleman under Louis XIV?”
University of London 2002-2006
BA History and Archaeology:
Dissertation: Was Yigael Yadin investigation of the Cave of Letters compromised by a political agenda?
Institut Kheops, Paris
Degree Egyptology
Paris-Sorbonne / Paris IV
Licence Spanish and Latin American Literature